India’s first museum dedicated to real-life working robots has arrived in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This groundbreaking project, executed in collaboration with CCEL and ESI, showcases over 170 robots, both functional and static, offering a glimpse into the future of technology.
A World of Robots Awaits
The Robotics Gallery takes visitors on a fascinating journey through the diverse world of robots. Witness robots from various fields, including:
Entertainment Robots: Be entertained by robots that play soccer, badminton, fight battles, and even play air hockey!
Industrial Robots: See robots designed for various industrial applications, such as pick-and-place assembly, agriculture, space exploration, and more. Additionally, robots developed by DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization) are on display.
Medical Robots: Explore the advancements in medical technology with robots designed for surgery and other medical procedures.
Utility Robots: Discover robots that perform tasks essential to daily life, including painting robots, 3D scanners and printers, and even dancing robots!
A Moment of National Pride
The Robotics Gallery received a prestigious stamp of approval when Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi himself virtually inaugurated it on July 16, 2021. His unexpected visit to the gallery 2 years and 3 months later, extending his stay from the planned 7 minutes to 20 minutes, truly highlighted the captivating nature of this project. His genuine interest in the potential these robots hold for the future of India was a moment of immense pride for the creators.
An Accessible Future for All
The Robotics Gallery isn’t just about showcasing cutting-edge technology. It’s about making robotics accessible to the common man, fostering curiosity and igniting a passion for science and innovation. This world-class museum is a testament to India’s commitment to a future powered by robotics.